Ligature Journal Issue Seven, Out Now!

Ligature Journal, Issue Seven – Place (Mind)

This issue marks the beginning of something of an experiment for us. The theme is Design and Place, and it is a Mind issue—so far so normal. The experiment is that we will keep this same theme for the next two issues as well. The aim? A triumvirate of Mind, Soul and Body issues all considering Design and Place. So welcome, to Ligature Journal Issue Seven.

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Back issue packs of Ligature Journal

back issue pack

Are there issues of Ligature Journal missing from your collection? Our back issue packs should help. We have gathered our previously published back issues into handy three-issue packs to make it super easy for you to complete your collection of Ligature Journal. THE BACK ISSUE PACKS HAVE CHANGED. PLEASE SEE THIS POST FOR THE UPDATED […]

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Issue Five, wonderful news

Some months ago we submitted the Simplicity issue of Ligature Journal for consideration in the 2018 Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) Design Awards, in the Publication category. We were so proud of the design, and how the design worked with the contributions. We want you to know of some really wonderful news. We are proud, […]

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Check out our Issue 6 Flick Through

Hey there. We have created an animated flick through of Ligature Journal issue 6, touch. While it is impossible to truly convey the superior tactility of the issue, especially the letterpress cover, at least you can have a quick squiz at the wonderful articles inside. There is writing from Jodie Richards, Ruth Kirkland, Annette Lodge, […]

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Ligature Journal Issue Six, Available Now!

We welcome you to the ‘Touch’ issue of Ligature Journal. As designers, we have an interesting and varied relationship with touch, and this is certainly reflected in the diversity of responses to our theme from our contributors. Jodie Richards writes passionately of the responsibility of communication designers to be mindful of how our work reaches […]

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Ligature Journal Issue Five, Available Now!

Simplicity Designers love it. Designers hate it. Many designers don’t understand it, confusing it with simple and simplistic. Truth is simplicity in design is about managing complexity and though the end result may look simple, even obvious, at its best simplicity in design is anything but. In this our fifth issue of Ligature Journal we […]

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